Wednesday, January 27, 2021

It's movie night, with your teach-- I mean, girlfriend!

Your fun was interrupted by you having to explain the concept of fetishes to her... Apparently she didn't know that thick thighs save lives.

Part II of a series! It feels a bit like it could stand alone, so I didn't mark the title as such. Still though, this would be the first continuation I think I've ever done with a caption! Enjoy!

Artist: mimyo | Sauceses: [danbooru] [gelbooru] [pixiv] [sankaku]

Other parts: [Part I]

Friday, January 22, 2021

And just like that, you're on your own...

Your main goal is to get out of this... But the real objective is to just survive.

Planning on making a series out of this. 'Course, I got another caption I want to continue first! Hopefully, I'll actually have it out on time, next week. Leave it to the procrastinator with ADD to fuck-up his own deadline, amiright? Anywho, enjoy!

Artist: dantes_ward | Coulis (get it? it's a sauce...): [gelbooru] [sankaku] [twitter]

Series: [Part 2]

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

GF has some fun of her own while helping you.

Meanwhile, the handful of people that overheard you two are wondering what the fuck they just heard...

My first attempt at being more directly hypnotic in my writing! I know it's not the best, but I'm quite happy with it! Enjoy!

Artist: camui kamui | Sauceses: [danbooru] [gelbooru] [sankaku] [twitter]

Sunday, January 10, 2021

This puts a whole new meaning to "teacher's pet"...

Someone needs to bump up their draw distance, 'cause that distance fog is looking real close...
Artist: mimyo | Condiments: [danbooru] [gelbooru] [pixiv] [sankaku]

You have been deceived, you fool.

As it turns out, you weren't actually hypnotized, you were just really nervous and went along with it for some reason...
Artist: smz-69 | Sauces: [deviantart] [r34] [sankaku] [twitter]

Big booby go brrrr...

I think we all know what comes next... Time Shares and Tax Fraud.
Artist: tea_texiamato (てぃあまと) | Top pic links: [pixiv] [sankaku] Bottom pic links: [pixiv] [sankaku]

New futamama wants to spread the love...

Don't you just hate it, when you go to get a haircut, then... BAM! You've got a massive dick, and you're being brainwashed to serve some lady. Total ripoff, I swear.
Artist: mogiki hayami | Top pic links: [pixiv] [sankaku] | Bottom pic links: [gelbooru] [sankaku]

Snek with big boobs gives tiddyjob...

She didn't mention it, but you're pretty sure the real final nail in the coffin was when you cracked a vampire joke... Get it? 'Cause the fangs?... Yeah, no one else liked it, either.
My first GIF caption! Hope y'all like it!
Aritst: brolaren | Links: [furaffinity (need account)] [rule34]

Friday, January 8, 2021

Bathhouse peeping GONE WRONG (gone sexual)...

 "Maybe you should've thought about it, before you took an entire section of the fence out, as a peephole..."

Artist: kusakasouji (久坂宗次) | Links: [danbooru] [gelbooru] [pixiv]

POV: You rolled too well to seduce, and now you're dating.

Gay and sex on the first date? The youth, these days... Such sinners...

Artist: hokuroryuseigun (ホクロ流星群@ニート) | Link: [pixiv] [sankaku]

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Image Dump (3/3)

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Image Dump (2/3)

Should've known better than to call a random woman Mommy...
Artist: nao (ritsancrossover) | Links: [gelbooru] [sankaku]
You both ended up getting some strange looks from the rest of staff, on your way to get cleaned up...
Main Pic Artist: robutts (cutesexyrobutts) | Links: [deviantart] [sankaku]
Second pic (the one in the corner) Artist: cider1289 (彩田) | Links: [pixiv] [sankaku]
It's actually a good thing she showed up and took you out of there. No one was practicing their social-distancing!
Artist: kawaisaw (可哀想) | Links: [gelbooru] [pixiv]
He was so riled up, he came in like 30 seconds...
Artist: sukebepanda [furaffinity]| Links: [r34]

Image Dump (1/3)

Just dumping in my archive of stuff that I've made. Not really in any particular order.

Your sister was too embarrassed to admit she could see her mom's pants down...
Artist:  ao_madousi (蒼惑う子) | Link: [pixiv] [sankaku]

Learning more on how to do this sort of thing!
Artist: CabronPR | Links: [pixiv] [gelbooru]

They both learned a valuable lesson, that day: Wait to do it on the bed, or you'll wake up on the bathroom floor, with a sore back.
Artist: Okumoto Yuuta | Links: [pixiv] [sankaku]

My first caption! Hope you like it!
Artist: Hero Neisan | Image: [danbooru] [gelbooru]