Sunday, October 31, 2021

Some people take their costumes a little too seriously...

For a one-off character, it was a bit surprising when she went into excruciating detail on their history, and showed you the 300+ page story she had saved on her computer.

Ahem... I didn't realize it's been almost 6 months. Hot damn. Anywho, I'm back with a unisex caption this time! Not much to say about the creation of it, other than I had to remind myself how I used to do things. Here's hoping I don't take another year to get around to making another one! Enjoy!

Artist: fireflufferz | Swaws: [e261] [furaffinity (account needed)]

Saturday, June 5, 2021

No matter how you look at it, you're getting fucked in one way or another...

(Male POV)

(Female POV)

As it turned out, you didn't even need to tell her friends... They were there when she made the drunken call. They were happy to share the parts that didn't make it into the voicemail.

Hey, so I'm still alive. Feels like it's been longer than it actually has been, but I've also had more to do since last time. Anywho, I dunno what possessed me to make a not-so-lewd caption like this, but whatever it was, I'd like to think it worked out well enough. If you're a fan of not-so-lewd captions, then enjoy! If not, don't worry, I'll be getting some lewder stuff going soon enough.

Artist: gunnermul | SausesuaS: [pixiv] [sankaku] [twitter]

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Talk about friendly neighbors...

(Male POV)

(Female POV)

The two of you soon found out that getting stuck in an elevator is one way to ruin a mood. Another way is remembering that there's a camera that saw the whole scene. At least you've got each other, right?

Boy oh boy! It's been a few weeks! And lemme tell ya, they've been something else. If you wanna know what's going on with me between captions, check out my twitter, 'cause that's your best bet for hearing anything from me, outside of messaging me. I swear I'm trying to be more social on there!
As for this caption, here's another round of male and female POV options, as well as some fancy filter work on the wings! Definitely think I'm gonna stick to making both POVs whenever I can, cause it's fun. Anywho, enjoy!

Artist: Upside_Down_(gian2) | Saaauucce: [pixiv] [rule34] [sankaku]

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Someone's getting a new benefits package...

(Male POV)

(Female POV)
There were some awkward glances exchanged with the other employees, on your way out. Turns out that window by the door gave people a great view of the action... At least you got a couple thumbs up...!

Y'all get options, this time around! A couple weeks back, I saw someone mention there weren't enough femsub POV captions, and I decided I wanted to rectify that. Since I really wanted to get something out soon (writer's block is a bitch), I didn't have time to do a major rewrite, but I figured this would be a decent start! Enjoy!
Also, work's picking up here soon, so I'm afraid my already patchy upload rate is gonna be getting even patchier. Hopefully shouldn't be too bad... Fingers crossed.

Artist: scathegrapes | Tasty Liquid: [danbooru] [gelbooru] [newgrounds] [twitter]

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Really doing Shelyn proud! And while doing somebody else, no less...

Technically speaking, she's the weakest kind of Chromatic Dragon. So like, if she's doing this good on her own... How intense are the others?

I'm finally starting to mess around with multiple fonts now! It only occurred to me to try it after I saw another caption maker talking about it, but now that I've done it I don't know why it took me so long. Also, I had fun writing the dialogue—though I wish I'd had room for even more—so I'm thinking I might be making these kinds of captions more often!
Anywho, as always, enjoy!

Artist: zaggatar | Sau(sau(sauces)ces)ces: [e621] [furaffinity] [twitter]

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Now that's what I call restructuring! (Alt Version)

Now that that's all said and done, it's time to reach out and check in with the board to see if everyone's buying-in on adjusting the company's corporate values, so you can find the best practice to really make some hay, and get the company back on track. You can't go boiling the ocean, 'cause you've lots of moving parts, so you've gotta find a solution to get some leverage so you can really get yourself over the wall and take this thing to the next level... *laughs in business*

Since the GIF version doesn't like to play nice with everyone, here's a PNG version to enjoy! Definitely gonna have to put some thought into how I do any GIF-captions in the future, since it seems like GIFs are a bit of a pain. Probably just gonna have to put in the legwork to make two versions of it, if I can. Anywho, hope this version works out better, for those who couldn't enjoy the GIF!

Artist: sayo_ayato | secuaS: [danbooru] [gelbooru] [pixiv] [sankaku] [twitter]

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Now that's what I call restructuring!

 Now that that's all said and done, it's time to reach out and check in with the board to see if everyone's buying-in on adjusting the company's corporate values, so you can find the best practice to really make some hay, and get the company back on track. You can't go boiling the ocean, 'cause you've lots of moving parts, so you've gotta find a solution to get some leverage so you can really get yourself over the wall and take this thing to the next level... *laughs in business*

I'd like to start by saying I'm not ashamed of the time it took me to write that first bit... I'm not gonna tell you how long it took, but I'm not ashamed of it. Anywho, it be another GIF! Not as animated as the last GIF-caption I did, but still animated nonetheless! And one that I made, too! Not the art. I just combined all three pics into one. Enjoy the tiddy!

Artist: sayo_ayato | secuaS: [danbooru] [gelbooru] [pixiv] [sankaku] [twitter]

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Is this a bad omen, or a delicious meal? I can't really tell...

You ended up helping her walk out afterward... Turns out, that position was not good for her knees!

I'm actually on time, this week! Wowsers! I doubt it's gonna last. This week's caption is a little more experimental than I have been doing. It sure as hell ain't pushing the bar, but it was something more than my usual routine. Gonna try and get a little more fancy with my stuff here soon. Emphasis on "try".
Hope ye enjoy!

Aritst: kase_daiki | bríwlác: [danbooru] [gelbooru] [pixiv] [sankaku] [twitter]

Series: [Part 1]

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Anyone for tennis? A-anyone?

No one's playing tennis, but you get the sense that there's still gonna be a racket... I'll show myself out, for that one.

Been a busy last couple of weeks! Since I missed last week's deadline, and I'm gonna be busy again tomorrow, enjoy this week's caption early! Or last week's caption late, if you wanna be an ass.
On a side note, I'm genuinely shocked that I managed to get the filesize smaller than the original. I want to know how that works, but I also don't want to shatter my brain. 

Artist: mameneko_pai | Sauauceseses: [gelbooru] [pixiv] [sankaku] [twitter]

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

It's movie night, with your teach-- I mean, girlfriend!

Your fun was interrupted by you having to explain the concept of fetishes to her... Apparently she didn't know that thick thighs save lives.

Part II of a series! It feels a bit like it could stand alone, so I didn't mark the title as such. Still though, this would be the first continuation I think I've ever done with a caption! Enjoy!

Artist: mimyo | Sauceses: [danbooru] [gelbooru] [pixiv] [sankaku]

Other parts: [Part I]

Friday, January 22, 2021

And just like that, you're on your own...

Your main goal is to get out of this... But the real objective is to just survive.

Planning on making a series out of this. 'Course, I got another caption I want to continue first! Hopefully, I'll actually have it out on time, next week. Leave it to the procrastinator with ADD to fuck-up his own deadline, amiright? Anywho, enjoy!

Artist: dantes_ward | Coulis (get it? it's a sauce...): [gelbooru] [sankaku] [twitter]

Series: [Part 2]

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

GF has some fun of her own while helping you.

Meanwhile, the handful of people that overheard you two are wondering what the fuck they just heard...

My first attempt at being more directly hypnotic in my writing! I know it's not the best, but I'm quite happy with it! Enjoy!

Artist: camui kamui | Sauceses: [danbooru] [gelbooru] [sankaku] [twitter]

Sunday, January 10, 2021

This puts a whole new meaning to "teacher's pet"...

Someone needs to bump up their draw distance, 'cause that distance fog is looking real close...
Artist: mimyo | Condiments: [danbooru] [gelbooru] [pixiv] [sankaku]

You have been deceived, you fool.

As it turns out, you weren't actually hypnotized, you were just really nervous and went along with it for some reason...
Artist: smz-69 | Sauces: [deviantart] [r34] [sankaku] [twitter]

Big booby go brrrr...

I think we all know what comes next... Time Shares and Tax Fraud.
Artist: tea_texiamato (てぃあまと) | Top pic links: [pixiv] [sankaku] Bottom pic links: [pixiv] [sankaku]

New futamama wants to spread the love...

Don't you just hate it, when you go to get a haircut, then... BAM! You've got a massive dick, and you're being brainwashed to serve some lady. Total ripoff, I swear.
Artist: mogiki hayami | Top pic links: [pixiv] [sankaku] | Bottom pic links: [gelbooru] [sankaku]

Snek with big boobs gives tiddyjob...

She didn't mention it, but you're pretty sure the real final nail in the coffin was when you cracked a vampire joke... Get it? 'Cause the fangs?... Yeah, no one else liked it, either.
My first GIF caption! Hope y'all like it!
Aritst: brolaren | Links: [furaffinity (need account)] [rule34]

Friday, January 8, 2021

Bathhouse peeping GONE WRONG (gone sexual)...

 "Maybe you should've thought about it, before you took an entire section of the fence out, as a peephole..."

Artist: kusakasouji (久坂宗次) | Links: [danbooru] [gelbooru] [pixiv]

POV: You rolled too well to seduce, and now you're dating.

Gay and sex on the first date? The youth, these days... Such sinners...

Artist: hokuroryuseigun (ホクロ流星群@ニート) | Link: [pixiv] [sankaku]

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Image Dump (3/3)

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Image Dump (2/3)

Should've known better than to call a random woman Mommy...
Artist: nao (ritsancrossover) | Links: [gelbooru] [sankaku]
You both ended up getting some strange looks from the rest of staff, on your way to get cleaned up...
Main Pic Artist: robutts (cutesexyrobutts) | Links: [deviantart] [sankaku]
Second pic (the one in the corner) Artist: cider1289 (彩田) | Links: [pixiv] [sankaku]
It's actually a good thing she showed up and took you out of there. No one was practicing their social-distancing!
Artist: kawaisaw (可哀想) | Links: [gelbooru] [pixiv]
He was so riled up, he came in like 30 seconds...
Artist: sukebepanda [furaffinity]| Links: [r34]

Image Dump (1/3)

Just dumping in my archive of stuff that I've made. Not really in any particular order.

Your sister was too embarrassed to admit she could see her mom's pants down...
Artist:  ao_madousi (蒼惑う子) | Link: [pixiv] [sankaku]

Learning more on how to do this sort of thing!
Artist: CabronPR | Links: [pixiv] [gelbooru]

They both learned a valuable lesson, that day: Wait to do it on the bed, or you'll wake up on the bathroom floor, with a sore back.
Artist: Okumoto Yuuta | Links: [pixiv] [sankaku]

My first caption! Hope you like it!
Artist: Hero Neisan | Image: [danbooru] [gelbooru]