Thursday, March 25, 2021

Someone's getting a new benefits package...

(Male POV)

(Female POV)
There were some awkward glances exchanged with the other employees, on your way out. Turns out that window by the door gave people a great view of the action... At least you got a couple thumbs up...!

Y'all get options, this time around! A couple weeks back, I saw someone mention there weren't enough femsub POV captions, and I decided I wanted to rectify that. Since I really wanted to get something out soon (writer's block is a bitch), I didn't have time to do a major rewrite, but I figured this would be a decent start! Enjoy!
Also, work's picking up here soon, so I'm afraid my already patchy upload rate is gonna be getting even patchier. Hopefully shouldn't be too bad... Fingers crossed.

Artist: scathegrapes | Tasty Liquid: [danbooru] [gelbooru] [newgrounds] [twitter]

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Really doing Shelyn proud! And while doing somebody else, no less...

Technically speaking, she's the weakest kind of Chromatic Dragon. So like, if she's doing this good on her own... How intense are the others?

I'm finally starting to mess around with multiple fonts now! It only occurred to me to try it after I saw another caption maker talking about it, but now that I've done it I don't know why it took me so long. Also, I had fun writing the dialogue—though I wish I'd had room for even more—so I'm thinking I might be making these kinds of captions more often!
Anywho, as always, enjoy!

Artist: zaggatar | Sau(sau(sauces)ces)ces: [e621] [furaffinity] [twitter]