Now that that's all said and done, it's time to reach out and check in with the board to see if everyone's buying-in on adjusting the company's corporate values, so you can find the best practice to really make some hay, and get the company back on track. You can't go boiling the ocean, 'cause you've lots of moving parts, so you've gotta find a solution to get some leverage so you can really get yourself over the wall and take this thing to the next level... *laughs in business*
Since the GIF version doesn't like to play nice with everyone, here's a PNG version to enjoy! Definitely gonna have to put some thought into how I do any GIF-captions in the future, since it seems like GIFs are a bit of a pain. Probably just gonna have to put in the legwork to make two versions of it, if I can. Anywho, hope this version works out better, for those who couldn't enjoy the GIF!
Artist: sayo_ayato | secuaS: [danbooru] [gelbooru] [pixiv] [sankaku] [twitter]